Tuesday, October 20, 2009

AMAZING VIDEO: The X Factor's John and Edward

Putting the "why?" in The X Factor
Ireland's got more talent than this ...
Ever since Susan Boyle wowed the world with her combo of impressive warbling and bag lady chic (sort of), people haven't been able to get enough of Britain's Got Talent and now its de facto sister show The X Factor. The X Factor discovered the likes of Leona Lewis, JLS and Alexandra Burke, all talented you may agree, but for mine this year's best discovery have been Irish twins (as in twins from Ireland, not siblings born within a year of one another) John and Edward who are possibly the worst act to have ever made it to the finals of "reality" talent show. And yet, they are so bad they're amazing.

You MUST see the below video of their performance of Britney's "Oops ... I Did It Again" to understand.

Get ready to laugh.

PS: As you may have noticed (just pretend), due to what I'm calling "technical difficulties", I haven't been on The 'Brain for a couple of weeks. Apologies and big thanks so much to CS for her awesome updates.

Scott Keenan
Been a long time, shouldn't have left you without a dope beat to step to o'clock


  1. My favourite thing about John and Edward is how they introduce themselves by saying: "I'm John", "and I'm Edward", "And together we're... John and Edward!" So good. So bad.

  2. Irish twins (as in twins from Ireland, not siblings born within a year of one another)


