Tuesday, October 6, 2009

From The Vault: Couples Retreat's Jason Bateman 1986 video

From The Vault:
Justine & Jason Bateman lost video

Last night I came here to post a "from the vault", only to find my esteemed coworker SK had beaten me to it. Not to be put off, I plan to follow through with my vault discovery anyway... mainly because it involves Batemans and Muppets.

Now, when it comes to entertainment, it's no secret that I love anything to do with the surname
Minogue. Same with Jackson and, dear readers, Bateman.

I want to take you back to a time long before
Jason went on a Couples Retreat with Vince Vaughn and back when Justine was less worthy and a hell of a lot more fun. Interested? You see, from a young age, I was obsessed with Jason Bateman and would purchase ridiculously over-priced US teen mags just to get my hands on tiny black and white newspaper print photos of said-Jase cos they were the only ones to be found. Hey, it was pre-internet and they didn't print on nice colour paper back then, yo.

Anyway, Jase and sister Justine were the brother-and-sister acting duo of the time - him thanks to the hit sitcom
Valerie and her thanks to her role on Family Ties. They were the Jake and Maggie Gyllenhaal of their time. Sort of. But on TV.

Anyway, I stumbled across this ace video of them hosting a music video show,
Friday Night Videos, back in the day (1986 to be precise) and... although nothing much happens, I just find it enthralling as they chat away about their seemingly scary father, disrespecting one's body (creepy!), how they got into the business and how Jason got away with holding secret house parties. Check out the video now:



Unreal! So '80s. I am not lying to you when I say I could watch that kind of stuff all day!!

The pair have worked together more recently, most notably on Arrested Development (above) and less notably on this comment on the recent writers strike. Observe...

Ahem. Lucky they're hot.

I would be remiss not to mention my recent REdiscovery of their involvement with the Muppets (do you know how long I've been looking for these photos??) Well, Jason turned up in the 1988 Muppet Magazine. Why? Hard to say. Erm, cos he likes the Muppets?

Reason enough for me! Man, anybody who ever dissses the '80s in front of you deserves a big whallop to the head. Look at him, man. So cute!!

Not to be outdone, Justine followed suit by appearing in the mag. Alright, fine! She actually was the trendsetter who appeared in the magazine 3 years earlier than her younger bro in 1985.

She's with Janice, people!!! In fact, Justine was such a Muppet-lover that she appeared as herself in the 1989 half-hour special Miss Piggy's Hollywood. I am yet to find that clip... but give me time!!

Does anyone else remember it? Justine was sititng by a pool and waiting for an interview with
Barbara Walters or something and then she found out it was all a trick played by Gonzo who really wanted an interview with Miss Piggy the whole time... anyone? Ohhh, I found a pic... This means someone out there in interwebs land has the full episode... right? Right?

Baby steps... wish me luck!

Carolyn Stewart

Life is such a sweet insanity o'clock, October 5, 2009

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