Monday, March 16, 2009

George Clooney returns to ER

Famous Folk? Y'all Could Learn Something From George Clooney.

Short of getting Johnny Depp to do a 21 Jump St remake, scoring all-six stars for a Friends reunion or global pop princess Kylie Minogue returning to humble Ramsay Street for a guest-spot on Neighbours, ER getting George Clooney back on ER as his original character Dr Doug Ross is possibly the biggest "get" of recent times. He hadn't been seen in his scrubs since 2000 and in the interim has an Oceans trilogy plus responsibilities as every other year's World's Most Sexy Man. My point is, he didn't need to come back to the show. On top of that, I have to agree with most of the unofficial reviews I've read that have involved the person/blogger stating that they didn't even realise they were still even *making* ER until they heard about George's return. So, you know, it's not like it's the best or most-watched show on television anymore.

Although I need no such proof of what I'm about to say, but his lack of airs and graces once again reminds me that George is one of the world's best people. Sometimes when a star returns to a show - eg. Nathan Fillion returning to One Life To Live or House's Jesse Spencer popping into Neighbours for their 20th birthday - it's only their obsessive followers who realise what a big thing that is and just how much it means to fans. For George, he's one of the biggest stars in the world... and yet still he can return to the series that made him a star? What a tops guy!

You Don't Really Need Proof But Here's Top 5 Reasons Why George Clooney Is The World's Best Person (reasons other than his looks, intellect and do-gooderness that have been widely noted elsewhere):

1. From all reports, George's decision to return to ER was based on a brief conversation with former co-star Julianna Margulies. It was a conversation that seemingly went a little like this. GC: "Hi, it's me, George. Are you going back?" JM: ‘If you do it, I’ll do it." GC: "Well, if you do it, I’ll do it!"

2. As soon as the rumours began swirling about George returning to ER, I just knew he would. He's just that kind of guy. However, the first hint I had that George may well remain gracious while others enjoying life at the top would not was a comment he made some time ago while doing promo for Solaris. While plenty of stars get antsy and refuse to talk about their early projects, George welcomes - and thankfully is in on the joke about - talk of his early roles on The Facts of Life or Return of The Killer Tomatoes. After one such discussion, George recounted a story that every actor (of any level of success) would do well to take damn close note of: "When I did One Fine Day and Michelle Pfeiffer and I were doing press, somebody brought up Grease 2 and she said, 'Oh, please don’t, don’t, don’t.' And I said, 'Oh, come on. 1982, you come home, turn your answering machine on and your agent says, ‘You got Grease 2.’ You jumped up and down and screamed and danced, going, ‘I got Grease 2!’' Things just change. It doesn’t matter. It’s all part of the process. I’m sure Isabelle Adjani screamed when she got Ishtar. 'I’m working with those guys!' It’s one of those things where you just go, 'Look, it was at a period of time in your life when you needed a job.' I’m so not ashamed of those. I’m embarrassed at times because I had this horrible Facts of Life thing where you get the worst case of overconfidence and bad acting you’ve ever seen in your life. So, it’s not just bad, it’s big. You go, 'Oh, my God, it’s horrible.' But it’s all part of the building blocks of this business and probably the best lessons are that you can look back at those and go, 'Okay, I don’t want to do that anymore.'" And that, friends, is when I went from being in love with George Clooney to being *IN LOVE* with George Clooney.

3. His friends are not just hot, they're Brad-Pitt-hot or Matt-Damon-smart-and-hot. More guys could stand to run in packs like that, I say.

4. CloFu. George is literally good enough to, erm, eat. [learn about the full horror @: CloFu]

5. Remember when he had that little-that-turned-freaking-giant-but-still-cute pig called Max?? Well, that pig was loved. Awww. Poor Max.

So, not that it means much of anything but I had to put out into the ether/internets that I am just so proud of George for returning to ER. He didn't have to. But he did. And that, friends, is the difference.

I now hand over to my interweb colleague, SK, to be contrary (as is regularly his whim) re: George or to discuss at length exactly how Alyssa Milano went from a 300 year run on the rather-excellent Charmed to be making unneccsarily bizarre makeup infommercials. His call.

Carolyn Stewart
Too-late-o'clock, Monday, March 16, 2009

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