Friday, March 20, 2009

Gadget review: Kindle

Inspect Some Gadget's gadget guide

A comprehensive but - more importantly - short guide that will come in handy when you're stuck having a conversation with someone you don't really like who thinks they know stuff about computers. The person you're talking to is also more than likely to think they're better than you but, in reality, you clearly know that could never be. This guide will help you to know what's out there without going to the trouble of, you know, going out there.

What is it? It's a wireless reading device. Put out by Amazon. Who have taken so much of my money over the years that they should just give me one of these as a thank you.

Is it a book? Yes. But it's also not a book. Like Zoolander says they're "in the computer" (and, in this case, the books are "in the computer-like-thing). You pretty much download a book and it's sent to you. See it in action: (CLICK ON ME!)

Not to be confused with: My friend Karen Kindlen.

Couldn't I just buy a book instead? Erm, yes.

Who is it for? Everyone who can read good. However, people like my sister who go on a one week trip and take 47 books with them will benefit most. The Kindle will drop the weight of her average suitcase by about 4000 kilos.

Is it all that revolutionary? Yes. Think about it like this: what the iPod did for music fans, the Kindle will do for book fans. Prior to the iPod, one had to cart around every CD one ever owned - or at least a good selection - in case one suddenly needed to hear Feargal Sharkey's "A Good Heart" or Kids In The Kitchen's "Current Stand". Hey, it happens. Trust me. Aside: If you don't understand the mentality behind what I've just said, you never will. If you do understand, you've already found them on iTunes and you're listening to one of those two tracks right now. So, conversely, your Kindle-owner no longer needs to lug around cumbersome tomes such as War and Peace, Great Expectations or Catcher In The Rye (or even sTORI TELLING for that matter) because they're "in" your lightweight Kindle.

How to use 'kindle' in a sentence: "I wonder if I should get my friend Karen Kindlen a Kindle for Christmas."

How to use 'kindle' in a better sentence: "There's no glare. I checked the Kindle out the other day and it's not like I'm looking at a screen. It was totes like I was reading a piece of paper! No glare, man. There's no glare."

How long until every news service in the world starts doing stories on it? 4 weeks.

How long until my parents start using the term in conversation? 5 months and 2 days.

Do I need one? No because of hard economic times. Yet way-yes... cos the future is here.

Carolyn Stewart
Before I've eaten breakfast o'clock, March 20, 2009


  1. Long have I dreamt about being labelled alongside Zoolander, Amazon, Kids in the Kitchen and Feargal Sharkey in a blog post.

    Thanks for making my dream come true.

    Karen Kindlen - not to be confused with "The Kindle".

  2. Are the Kindles available in Oz properly? Like with DL-able content?

    In other news, I want a Sony Reader. They're prettier. Actually, I really want an Iliad, but I don't want to spend £600 on it.

    Wooooo commmenting!
