Wednesday, July 8, 2009

HELP! Where can I watch the MJ memorial?

The Jacko Memorial
(buh-bye... sniffle)
... But will it kill the interweb?

Today the world will watch on as friends, family and lottery-winning-fans squish into the Staples Center in downtown LA to bid a final farewell to Michael Jackson. While Liz Taylor has made it clear via her Twitter account (how very modern, Lizzie!) that she's not down with the circus-like proceedings, plenty of other celebrity friends will be on hand including Brooke Shields, John Mayer, Lionel Ritchie, Usher and Jennifer Hudson. In other words, it's going to be pretty awesome... you know, except for the part where Michael had to die for it to happen.

Of course, you don't have to be there in person to pay tribute to MJ's memory. So, if you missed out on being related to MJ, befriending him or didn't pick up a ticket in the worldwide sweepstakes then no doubt you'll be able to catch the moving live coverage on a TV screen near you.

If SOMEHOW you can't find a station covering it - and I really don't know how that could be - you can easily check out the live streams on the internets.

The best bet is the CNN live coverage to be found here:

or try the MySpace stream here:

But the big question is: will the memorial kill the internet? I have to say that my money is on so many millions of people trying to watch what could be the hugest live event in the history of the web, that the internet may indeed need a little lie down in the corner in the middle of it. This is especially a possibility because on the day the King of Pop died, he almost managed to take the internet with him when many major sites such as CNN and TMZ buckled under the pressure. Given the non-stop grief and hysterical media coverage since that sad day, you'd have to think there would be an even higher interest in the memorial. Let's put it this way: expect delays.

RIP MJ from everyone at The 'Brain.

Carolyn Stewart
As I turn up the collar on my favourite winter coat/This wind is blowing my mind o'clock, July 8, 2009

1 comment:

  1. Just so you know, the CNN service mentioned above isn't (wasn't) available in Australia x_X
