Saturday, August 8, 2009



Twilight takes on Buffy

Buffy The Vampire Slayer
creator Joss Whedon has always had (surprisingly??) nice things to say about the Twilight phenomenon and now he's finally gone on record about the big question we've all been asking: who would win in a fight between David Boreanaz's big bad Angel/Angelus and Robert Pattinson's little shiny Edward Cullen?

“I think Robert Pattinson is really cool. Angel would kick the shit out of him. He’s Angelus. There’s no Edward Cullunus. He just gets shiny in the sun. Boreanaz would have him down in a heartbeat. No offense, cause he’s hot," Joss told MTV News.

No arguement there. Joss went on to reveal that he has long been surprised by his own vampire-idea brilliance...

“I don’t get this whole vampire romance thing. I mean that could never happen. Who would believe that? It seems so stupid. I literally thought that when I created the character of Angel. I thought a vampire romance with a slayer… people are going to laugh me out of the room. They’ll never go for it. Clearly I was wrong. There’s something really timeless about it. I saw Twilight… there’s something primal about that story. You can’t get away from it. It works like gangbusters.”

You can watch the short interview with Joss here... but - and this comes from a place of utter love - you know how there are some people who you just should never hear speak? Yeah, this is that. I've always felt this way about him and I can't explain it - it's like every word that comes out of his mouth is cool and looks great in print... but when he's actually saying it, it's awkward. Up to you...

I also just *love* this Twilight cartoon that coincidentally sums up what Joss is saying (and I apologise to the person who created it originally because I can't find a proper link to you - but happy to fix that if anyone knows?). How cute is it???


Carolyn Stewart

I want to be a sparkly monster too o'clock, August 8, 2009

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