Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Kylie Minogue joins Twitter

Kylie loves to tweet
Guts polar bear for outfit

According to somewhat reputable insiders, the real official actual human in-the-flesh Kylie Minogue has set up a Twitter account at:

After delivering a witty opening tweet:

“Tweet tweet!! It's official. I'm here!!”

Kylie followed with a plug for Dannii’s blog:

“sisterly love rocks!!

And Natalie Imbruglia’s new video:

“how adorable is this? my dear friend natalie and her fantastic new video. enjoy!!

But she truly STUNNED followers by admitting she gutted her nephew Charlie’s toy polar bear for an outfit as modelled in the above picture:

“Some of you are wondering when and where the 'PolarPicture' was taken. Fancy dress party at end of X tour in Melbourne. Great night!!! Actually bought it in Columbia for my 3 yr old nephew. oops, last minute fancy dress...pair of scissors...don't worry he had plenty more!”


Who knows what else Minnie will reveal? Watch that space!

Oh, and why not follow The 'Brain on Twitter too?

Scott Keenan
Where is the Tweeting o’clock

1 comment:

  1. Everything about this entire post is FUN... but I don't know what to do with the information about gutting a polar bear.

