Thursday, May 28, 2009

Melissa Joan Hart weight loss

Clarissa, Explain It All!*
* And when you do could you please put more clothes on

Fans of the formerly awesome Fame Tracker boards of yore would know that I (Caroline's Notebook) was no fan of Melissa Joan Hart. I may have even been banned for using the term "ummm" while in argument with someone I don't know over the very pressing matter of MJH's ugliness. Look, it's mainly to do with her wonky wall-eye, similarities to all the bad things about LeAnn Rimes and her weird hidden gum teeth. Anyway, in summary, the former Sabrina The Teenage Witch star was essentially stung by a bee some years ago (ie. ate her weight in hot dogs) and now the cover of People mag tells us she was shocked into losing weight when she saw "a 'horrifying' photo (above)"... ummm, which of the horrifying photos (above) of her are they referring to exactly???

MJH in a bikini??? Just no, world. My eyes! My wonky eyes!

Carolyn Stewart,

Black fingernails, red wine o'clock May 28, 2009