Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tracy Grimshaw vs Gordon Ramsay

Ramsay’s Bitching Nightmare
The No.1 news issue in the countryYou would have to have been living under a wok to not have heard about the very public war of words between A Current Affair host Tracy Grimshaw and wrinkly TV cook Gordon “F**k” Ramsay.
It kicked off last Friday when he appeared on ACA and made odd references to Tracy’s appearance – specifically a mole on her lip.
While Tracy laughed it off on-air, she did follow up the laugh by calling him a “bastard”.
It escalated when Gordon presented a cooking-demo-cum-stand-up-comedy-routine at the Melbourne Good Food & Wine Show, in which he flashed a picture of a naked, multi-breasted woman and then one of Miss Piggy, and announced they were shots of Tracy. He also allegedly told the crowd she was a “dyke”.
Well, not surprisingly, Tracy wasn’t thrilled and took to the air to defend herself.
“I'm not going to sit meekly and let some arrogant narcissist bully me,” she announced. “I wonder how many people would laugh if they were effectively described as an old ugly pig?”
And then: “Obviously Gordon thinks any woman who doesn't find him attractive must be gay. For the record, I don't and I'm not.”
And then, with a nod to the fact that Gordon has “allegedly” cheated on his wife, the final zinger: “We've all seen how Gordon Ramsay treats his wife and he supposedly loves her. We're all just fodder to him.”

Now it is the last bit that really got Gordon’s goat. To say he can give it but not take it appears to be an understatement.
“[For] a renowned pro to stoop that low and attack my wife is disgusting,” he cried.
Um, “attack”? Did she not merely hint at the fact that you treat her badly? Which, um, is “allegedly” true?
Oh, he also defended himself with this compelling evidence: “I never ever once used the word ‘lesbian’.”
Well good on him.
VIDEO: Ramsay bites back
He was no more impressive on Rove on Sunday night, ranting on about host Rove McManus being small, and insinuating he was lacking in the trouser department. Charming.

While Tracy is probably just wishing the whole thing would go away, Nine is likely to take this ratings gold and run with it.
As for Gordon … he will no doubt still be a miserable ugly git.

Scott Keenan
I blame MasterChef O'Clock

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