Monday, June 22, 2009

Wog Boy 2: The sequel nobody needed

"Wogs" back in work
...and why Vince Colosimo is to blame
Vince Colosimo and Nick Giannopoulos in The Wog Boy
Look, it's very easy to be a comedy snob. It's very easy to hate on things that are successful.
And The Wog Boy did make $13.4million
But seriously, it is approximately the WORST MOVIE OF ALL TIME.
Just the other day my friend Mary and I were talking about awful movies, and the first suggestion to pass her lips was 2000's Nick Giannopoulos hit.
I didn’t disagree.
In the late '80s “wog” “humour” was huge. Nick, along with Mary Coustas, George Kapiniaris and Simon Palomares sold out hundreds of theatres with their show Wogs Out Of Work and its follow-ups, and did five seasons of sitcom Acropolis Now.
An early Acropolis Now publicity shot. Mary Coustas's Effie (not pictured) would become the break-out star
In the same way that people had split their pants laughing over catchphrases such as “she goes, she goes, she just goes” a few years previous, people couldn't get enough of “how embarrassment”.
Then over 10 years later, when most had thought the joke long over, Nick unleashed his film The Wog Boy.
To the surprise of humour-loving people across the nation, the movie was a giant hit.
Nick loved himself sick after the success and spent the next few years downing gallons of free booze as red carpets were rolled out for him at parties across the country.
Then, in 2003, he made the god-awful Wiggles parody The Wannabes and it flopped.
So now he’s come up with an all-new, genius idea.
Wog Boy 2: Kings of Mykonos.
The flick starts filming in September and will be inflicted upon an innocent public next year.
Sadly, it didn’t have to be like this. Nick says he never would have made the sequel if his original co-star Vince Colosimo – who has since gone on to achieve acting cred – hadn’t agreed to take part.
“I was never going to do this film without Vince,” blabs Nick. “As far as I'm concerned, Wog Boy is a comedy about two best mates and I was never going to do a second one unless Vince was on board.”
I was already Team Hall, Vince. This has won you NO brownie points at all.

Scott Keenan
Where is Con The Fruiterer? O’clock


  1. A comedy about two best mates? I didn't even remember Vince Colosimo was in it! Also, how old is Nick these days? They'll have to call it Wog Middle-Aged Guys Who Still Wear Leather Jackets.

  2. Also read: "I couldn't get funding unless someone famous was in it."
    I actually looked it up ... he's 45. Saaaad.
