Monday, September 14, 2009

SEE Michael Jackson’s This Is It trailer

This is Michael: The Preview

MTV VMAs 2009 news part 3,498,237

It’s hard to believe if you’ve been watching the news (or, indeed, reading The ‘Brain) but the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards were supposed to be a tribute to Michael Jackson (That's right, NOT Kanye “the greatest entertainer of all time” West).

Madonna made a speech, declaring that she – and all of us – had “abandoned” MJ (funny, he never returned my calls) and somehow connected the loss of her mother and his lack of childhood and … look, it was a bit confusing. But it seemed all very heartfelt, if a little Kabbalah-tastic.
A team of dancers danced away to some of MJ’s greatest hits and then Janet Jackson joined them to move her lips along with their hit duet “Scream”. Most disturbing, perhaps, was the fact that the dancers behind her wore Michael’s trademark surgical masks.
In equally exciting news, Michael’s dad Joe (no doubt as a representative of Ranch Records) and brother Jermaine (he of the tribute concert we had to have that no stars will turn up to) were both in attendance.

As nice as all this tribute stuff was (and it might have been) the non-Kanye/Taylor/Beyoncé highlight of the VMAs (for non-Twihards) was the preview for the upcoming doco/concert flick Michael Jackson’s This Is It.

The two and a half minute trailer features MJ performing, rehearsing, beat boxing, spelling (“L-O-V-E”) and sneak peeks of the mystery “Dome Project” ("Thriller"!) and even his Aussie guitarist Orianthi talking about his “presence”.

Watch it now! Then watch it again!

I know the plan is obviously to have the DVD out for Christmas, but do we think this odd “2 Weeks Only” thing will mysteriously be extended “by popular demand” down the track? And does anybody else refuse to purchase movie tickets months ahead? I prefer to do that about three minutes before I see the movie, thanks.

Scott Keenan
This is a sign off o’clock