Monday, April 27, 2009

Rachel Bilson's new job

Welcome to the OC, bitch...
Rachel Bilson is a journalist!

Wanted a job working in magazines. Went to uni. Got a degree. What a fool I was! Turns out I went about my career aspirations all the wrong way. Apparently the surefire way to skyrocket yourself into my dream job on US InStyle magazine is to become an out-of-work actress from a former not-very-popular teen soap.

Yes, Rachel Bilson (who?), who played Summer Roberts (is that really a character's name?) on The OC (was that show only on for one season?), has been appointed fashion editor of InStyle magazine. She only has to write a column once a month to earn the title and it will likely be ghost-written but still.... sigh. I guess, on the plus side, it will stop her from making horrible movies for a while. But is this really the way of the future? What next? Leighton Meester knocking out copy for Forbes or Demi Lovato: editor-at-large of The New Yorker? Rachel says no.

"I am not planning on quitting my day job to be a full-time fashion editor, although I am really enjoying it and it intrigues me very much," says Rachel. "I'm actually flattered more than anything that people want to ask me questions about style. I am honored to do it."

"I can talk about fashion all day long, and I am an avid InStyle reader so the relationship seemed perfect! This column is the best homework assignment ever!" she adds.

Not quitting your day job? And what exactly does that currently involve, unemployed Rach? Acting like you're engaged to Gayden Christensen? Actually, that *would* be a full-time job. Plus, I bet all the other fashion editors in magazine land are thrilled with the way you scored this role and also a tad insulted that you refer to their jobs as a little bit of "homework".

OK, fine, Rachel is very stylish and I am a fan of hers. I also know there were exactly four seasons of The OC. I even know her character's pet rabbit was named Pancakes. I'm just jealous. If you wish to ask Rachel a question about fashion that she may answer in her column, you can do so here: CLICK on ME!

That's when good Neighbours become good friends...
It seems my cohort SK hung out with some celebs recently. Whatever, man. Sure, at first I thought this was a personal slight but over time (ie. the weekend) I decided to view it more as a challenge. Here is my response:I could be wrong but surely a Harold Bishop trumps a Sea Patrol/Kenny combo?

Follow My Friend...
Matthew Perry joins Twitter!

I've always been a Matthew Perry follower but now it's official. In exciting news, the former Friends star and current 17 Again funny guy now has an account on Twitter. He's inadvisedly using his middle name (Langford) to identify himself but at least he's on there, right?
Check him out here: (CLICK ON ME!)

Carolyn Stewart
I've gotta stop writing during Underbelly cos I think it makes me aggressive o'clock, April 27, 2009

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